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South Korea Sets Sights on Iran
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Kevin Kim  (kevin@ipr.co.kr)
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South Korea Sets Sights on Iran

A number of Korea’s regional government organizations are turning their eyes to the Iranian market as the nuclear issue has been settled between the USA and the Middle East country.

Chungbuk Province is planning to send their food delegation to the capital city of Tehran in November and the Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry their trade mission in December.

Chungbuk food mission is going to launch Korean food promotion event in Tehran November 16-20, embracing business meetings, food product display and sampling for Iranian consumers in order to fathom the not-widely known market.

IPR Group dubbed private KOTRA in Korea has been helping many regional organizations in developing global market for their various products and services.

Mr. Kevin Kim(kevin@ipr.co.kr or 02-551-7080), marketing manager at the Convention and Marketing Division of IPR Group, is responsible to carry out the whole project of the Chungbuk food and Busan trade mission to Iran.